Monday, January 27, 2014
Nou, sometime doesn't mean that i have some time to spare.. im not free like that.. hahah this is another one of those moments where im in a totally wrong but right environment to start blogging about the shit thats stuck in my brain.. not to straighten things out but to just get em out for a while but it doesnt solve a single shit. i just get to know what my shit looks like better.
Like wrong time, but the mood's and the position of me in comparison to the tr is just right for me to blank out and she wouldnt suspect a thing
GDP, my grp members Winnie and Cherry were doing the slides while i was starting up my com.. but i did my portion of drawing and brainstorming and arguing i guess haha
ouhhhh shit the presentation is starting soon.. there's gonna be one long pause (a few minutes) before i come back)
my group's the first to go up ... and i feel like i need to shit
recently, ive been waking up w a knot in my head, a kind of stress that i couldnt quite shake off. every morning, that fear and uncertainty will just be literally gnawing at my head
and im not sure what it is.. maybe im still not over the k situation, but it isnt all abt that.. because it includes a little of assignment stress and the weird stress i feel about meeting people, new or long acquaintance or just humans.. like i wish one day, i could just wake up w o the stress of knowing that u have to speak up and communicate to people.. one to one or a grp.. ttyl presentation time
currently, im trying to not reply as much to people who texts me too much and i dont feel much like talking to (im sorry)
its just redundant.
id very much wna have guy friends but it sucks when they try to flirt or just want to try to get you, i mean, like if they like u a little but theres no sincerity i mean, then please, just stay as friends, jio me out no problem, but i dont want to get too close to you or form some weird rs that will just waste or effort
i mean e and t is currently trying to chat me up and jio me out but no, sorry not interested
or im just abit too full of my self to think that people were actually interested to be in me
im glad i have haz :) like even though we dont tok often, i know he's got my back:)
hmmm yay! im having jap buffet w mah cuz ted tmr:)) happy dappy :)
hope i can get a few drinks and forget about the world hahah
cant wait
its hard to be nice to the people u find the most annoying at times
oh and omw to my gm's ytd, i helped a indonesian maid to bishan.. but i brought her to the wrong red line platform bcus i forgot toapayoh was towards another way ._.
im terribly sorry
oh and i completed a sheep ytd w the package of feltwool i bought from daiso on fri
hmm not much going on, and even if there is more, my poor mind must have auto deleted them
im sorry
i should take time out for reviewing God's word.
i havent been talking to him in forever.
life, will take it's turn and i pray that i'll be able to give God the steering wheel
i played a melody at 11:49 AM
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