Thursday, January 30, 2014
HAHHA hurray! eve of cny.. i dont know i should be happy for the hols or sad because i wont have time for ASSignments ... and i'm feeling kinda shitty yet happy at the same time
had bf w Siew Hui and Danish before lesson at fc 6 just now which was cool and full :)
omw there, saw a few dmat guys, saw kevin, he only glanced w that poker face of his. hmm i dk i feel sad that he isnt smiling as much as he used to .
i wouldnt want to think tt i was because of me that he is like that because, i dont think im tt impt to him to cause him to not smile..again.
"i'm sorry i cant bring a smile to ur face anymore
but pls show d world how kind u can be w a smile
im sure it would make someone's day
:) "
maybe. maybe.
then saw eugene when i was buying bf, but i got a feeling he is ignoring me.. and i dont feel good about it.. like yes, i try to lessen my messages to him..i dont want to get to close.. lest the same shit happens again.. so yeah, ive not been very enthu abt replying messages, im sorry
and i ate reunion dinz w my family ytd, so full and abalone was amazing!
but i got another rant from my dad again, had that sudden urge of escaping by jumping out of the window..
12 storeys high..
crazy, but the only thing holding me back was conscience and fear of pain
which is shit because i though i would have better control of my thoughts and emotion
but apparently not.
i really wonder if i am depress.. or just that i couldnt organize my thoughts well.
hmm i know i seem to be hanging around different guys lately.. im sorry but i dont want to get too close to one..
same shit just too much to handle
player as i may look but
hey i cant be bothered.
i rather ppl stay away from me.. i never bring anything good.
look at kevin, what have i caused (i know i said i don't think i am as impactful to cause shets)
dad. he is not being considerate
causing me a lil too much stress..
therefore the stress
and the soon to be depression
ttyl gotta ollect equipments
i wante to talk alot more, but something blocking my mind again
thanks cu
oh and went to eat w Ted like on the day before ytd, damn awesome man (y)
i played a melody at 12:35 PM
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