Friday, December 13, 2013
and I was initially convinced that I wasn't affected much by your actions
I knew unfollowing me on Twitter and Insta meant that u really didn't need to know updates about me
you literally wanted to get as far away from me as possible.
I thought I took it well, I thought it didn't matter much.
I pushed thoughts away as much as possible
because I have no flipping clue what was going through that mind of yours
I called, I texted, I apologized
this is like my second time being forcefully coldly rejected by people I actually cared about and loved and made time for
how would I know if your recent tweets might have been directed at me.
I didn't want to read too much into things,
I didn't wanna assume
I didn't wna get my hopes up
thinking that you'd still actually thought about the situation too
all I know is that u really didn't wna care
but apparently
you're still worked up abt the situation for
some reasons of yours
but I have no idea
no idea at all
it's only tonight that I realized you've unfriend me on facebook as well?
if you're hating on me and determined to leave me
why would I wna show u how weak I was about it?
no matter how unaffected I may seem abt it
Definitely a front
why would I show someone who is against and not for me my weak side?
wouldn't that be dumb?
I don't know man
so tonight, i'm hurt
I definitely am
and I don't have a room to go to
to hide my tears
now my family is asking what's wrong
and it'll be so troublesome to explain
im just really tired for holding up this front
all I know is that I need God more than ever now
i played a melody at 10:59 PM
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