Wednesday, November 13, 2013
URM.. I think im always making stupid decisions for all my life, hahah or im just being too vulnerable in a wrong way,
I should really stop going on to social media hahaha
gonna search for a song for Gen Ed, maybe using sara barailles songs? or paramour, or foo fighters or 30sec to mars ahah
omg so many things not done D:
drinking umeshu now ahah so warmmmmm :>
lolol reminds me of my ex.. he doesn't like kissing me whenever I drink, so I gave up a few glasses of plum wine cus of him hahha damnnn, but the funny thing is that he also drinks lor, walao still complain hahahhh
He's abit like my dad, drink a lil then will turn red ahahaha damn, oh well, I guess I could say im over him alr, ahah that cold cold bastard.
but if he wasn't cold, it would've been harder for me to let him go.. so yeah , hahah
I should really get on w work, be blogging when I have something to say again
OH OH.. eiris went to take money and my DMIT card outta my wallet and passed it to Winnie..
._. I am annoyed when things like this happens
and this is not the first
oh and finally got to talked to crystal today ahha form class 01:)
i played a melody at 10:22 PM
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