Sunday, October 6, 2013
And who would've expected... I guy who liked me for a year or so confessed to me today..
And I just told him we should stay friends.. and the cliché reply of him willing wait... UGH.
Okay, I admit.. he wasn't my type to start with , that made it easy for me to not get into a relationship, and the second thing is that, thanks to Joshua Harris, now I know where I stand, I am really not ready for a relationship.. because if I were to get into one, first, my single life will be taken away from me ,and it will be messy because it will disrupt my actual path in life, w God.. secondly, Personally, I would only wan to get into a relationship when I know I can both fully support myself and have the ability t share life w that partner.. so now is a nono, plus maturity wise, I not ready too. So yeah, trying hard to live a God -focus life now.. although I do admit I get distracted by short crushes, bad decisions and eyecandies along the way.. I just pray that God will lead me through this phase and help me w glorifying him with my work.. (ummm maya is out of the question)
Oh update on work/Job: i'm losing my job as a tuition teacher because out of my 3 classes, 2 has been taken over already. i'm left with the Friday class.. and my mum's friend's kid .
and im currently doing pa temp Job at winnie's dad working company helping to stick promotion stickers on cartons..boring but if I have the speed, i'll be able to earn enough for me to live through the last 3 month quite comfortably
Music-wise: I practiced the guitar and my fingers are hurting like a bitch.. only did G-D-Em-C *cry*
So tmr morning going to master's house to celebrate his birthday then to church.. gonna be so awkward yo... waking up early tomorrow again.. long time no do QT liao.. SJP
cosplay things also haha DIE
I should water coulour tmr.. or plan my GDP OR Maya
Talk to u next time dear :)
i played a melody at 12:17 AM
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