Wednesday, September 25, 2013
YAY. good morning (: I woke up like 730 am today , great! "blessed be lord~"-Chris Tomlin
Blessed be Your name
In the land that is plentiful
Where the streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I'm gonna say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, Blessed be Your name
KAy BRB I NEDD to poo
haha I typed that in a rush so well, you see the errors
I’m coming back to the start
Where You found me
I’m coming back to Your heart
Now I surrender
Take me
This is all I can bring
I’m coming back to the start
I got this freedom
In here we feel Your heart
Your heartbeat for us
Take me
This is all I can bring
You’ll never stop loving us
No matter how far we run
You’ll never give up on us
All of heaven shouts: let the future begin
Let the future begin
Take me
This is all I can bring
You’ll never stop loving us
No matter how far we run
You’ll never give up on us
All of heaven shouts: let the future begin
I feel alive, I come alive
I am alive on God’s great dance floor
I feel alive, I come alive
I am alive on God’s great dance floor
I feel alive, I come alive
I am alive on God’s great dance floor
I feel alive, I come alive
I am alive on God’s great dance floor
I feel alive, I come alive
I am alive on God’s great dance floor
God’s great dance floor!
Okay so, let's have an update!!
Yesterday was alright, was kinda proud of my self for being able to start on a second tree because the first one reaaaally sucked.. so I figured if I did the branches properly, I might be able to attach individual leaves on to the branches without it looking messy and fake, hahah can't wait to try that out later (:
hmm, yep, gave tuition to Bernice and Irene yesterday.. yes Irene is back! apparently back from her Granda's funeral :( I hope her family is able to pull through the grieve it may bring. oh and Bernice's mum passed to me a photocopied version of Bernice's exam paper (of which I had "glanced" through) so i'm going to analyse it later.
Meh, Gonna quit that centre after their end year exam.. I'm underpaid :/
should that be the case??
Anyway, after tuition ,went to ming shun's house to teach him oral. It's today, the exam is today D; I hope he remembers what I told him and does slightly better.
and yes, why I am mentioning this?
partially cause his mum gave me more than what I deserve (pay wise) , and yes, I feel happy and grateful at the same time because that money is gonna allow me to survive through 2-3 days of school.
Yep, earning your owning allowance may seem cool and makes u responsible (erm.. not exactly my case) but it brings on a lot of unnecessary worry and burden and trouble, but you learn things (: Man so I really have to starting searching for a new job ._.
wait poo session again D;
Okay I'm back
Which side should I start first, the one where I wanted to update on Monday or my current thoughts on my relationships with my friends ..
I'll just go as it flows..
so yeah, actually i'm supposed to be out with Winnie to Changi to do work today and guess what? it was only this Morning that she told me it was 830._. and I was like so early sia.. and ask her if we were still doing work after the movie.. then misunderstood and thought I didn't know we were supposed to do work before .. and told me "Aiya, suan le la" Suan liao jiu suan liao lo .... idk man
part of me was like, damn, screwed another opportunity to bond with her (I think im out of her system as like what she mentioned on twitter..mhmmm) but the other was like, yay, you get get to rest and do maya! and spend time at home.. with dearie com. DIE LIAO LO
For the whole of yesterday.. Kevin and I didn't contacted .. part of me wanted to just text him something random .. but all he'll ever answer is "orh" or "mhmm" which annoys (and disappoints D:) me. Yes it does. UGH and it was bothering me the whole day.. but I kinda figured he didn't wanna text me anyway, so why even start, no? Later become one of the awkward conversation then MEH. I hope this whole thing doesn't affect our friendship.. No wait, I kinda predict that it was one of the sign or friends drifting apart. Damn.
I mean, the initial closeness was there, but that was like taking up a lot of both of our time from our friends and our families.. which is shit.. and it shouldn't be that way.
i'm kind of glad that he is a sensible friend... because I sure am not :/
thennnnnn.... meh, Thursday.. we'll see
Sial, my eyes blurring
Okay so updates about F1! (: okay so on the first day, we met with Chermaine's Cousin, Xian Bing and his friend Wen Kang (EC,EC :D *ahahah wenkang, if in any case you are reading this LOL.. I am embarrassed) and Chermaine's Bro's friend, Lu Jie. So yeah, ahaha during cleaning we got the chance to see A1 (which I mistook as F1 and was so disappointed) then.. oh lunch was great.. the nonya fish spicy but salty, I like (: and also realize that Chermaine's Kindergarten friend was there too, Kimberly .. She is chio.. AHHAHA
THHHEEENN.. yes, so happy when the support group came up (: the first person who came up was DENISS (WOOHOOOOO *yes another EC which I fail to find on fb T-T) walao, he is really knowledgeable in a sense la, HE EVEN KNOWS A BOUT MAYA ND MUSIC STUFF PLEASE..
it was really fun talking to him! I was also kind of convinced to go to University because of how he explained things to me.. like you'll really learn a lot there and in society it's that piece of paper is really important..
and IF id didn't wan to get into university.. I must be so good at something unique that it could get me a place anywhere... and that is tough man.. and I heard digipen was supposed to be not bad? I don't know man.. (LOL I in this course still know nothing about anything bagus uh)
and yeah, he says get a place in ur internship if possible
wow, he really has a way of getting me thinking and kind of excited about my future..
HAHA he even says that because I learn cello, I may even play bass in a band.. macham ONE REPUBLIC ... which is really damn cool, because even though im not musically incline, I still love music .. in a sense tt I like to listen to music.
so yeah, Deniss was cool :) and he has a GOATEE ahahah my first time finding someone with a goatee not funny actually kinds of suit him HAHAH
Then got to meet Grady , so cool that chap but I don't think we talked much .. hahah thennnnnn... Alexis! She knows my cousin Greg! And really friendly ahahah can play with her one..i like her smile (:
then second day the food was alright.. Chermaine and I end up guessing riddles because we were just too bored.. like REAALLLY BORED.. haahah
but the joke were an icebreaker to Kimberly and Shu Juan ahahah
was cool:)
then that day's group of Group Support was different .. D: AW.
But I got to meet new people like the guy in green specs who did some marine things but realized he was more interested in management to he might change his path and he talked a lot uhm abit wayang but very friendly ahaha, and the computer science guy who totally didn't wanna talk much but was alright to others and the guy who end up repairing watch although he started off studying catering and service hahah he was fun to talk to ahahah cus he is rough in the way he speak , but with standard, so it wasn't boring, wlao he macham damn sad to see me the second time he saw me sia "You again ah? *shake head*" SIALA ._. don't like so much ah? ahahahah Thennnnn there was this 36 year old guy as well Wow Insurance guy, which is kinda cool hahah but abit don't know what to talk about because of the age gap.. but he was friendly (: okay, I didn't get to meet Charlie then :(( cus I was resting and when he came at first I didn't feel like talking.. so yeah *SAD* haha
HAHA the resting was funny! I rested with Wen Kang at first then he called Xian bing down to join us hahah.. mhmm, then we were chatting but the F1 cars were so loud the scene was hilarious.. they are 8 years of best friends man WOW just wow (: haahahah I really enjoyed it a lot a lot..
housekeeping aint that easy cus u keep having to stand and that caused a lot of sore feet... oh and on that day I think Wallas introduced himself hahah he is a sec 3 man! wlao what he doing there ahah, but he is a really friendly guy, very smiley LOL
Then day 3 YAYYY AYAYYAYAYYAYA finally
we did a lot of work on day 3 I have no idea why but day 3 was tougher..
And then we met Ow Yang and made him play fuzzy wuzzy AHAHAHH the game so funny..i realized that all of these group support people didn't bring their brains along w them to work.. most of them didn't wan to think LOL but alexis did play with us as well AHAH we even played I SPY wahahah And I got to meet Charlie !! YAY friendly chap ahaha Ow Yang kept on infusing FUZZY WUZZY JOKES into the things he said ahahahahahhahahahha
And yeah day 3 ended quite well, with all of us taking a photo together (: OH AND chermaine got a pass from a stranger hahah and she went to watch it.. WOW it cost 400 plus sia!!
yep! that's that (: I wanted to post a picture.. but I abit lazy..
okay I did put it up in the end so yeah, I think this whole experience was cool because it id widen my knowledge on somethings and it made my cherish my time a little more.. although I was just standing to earn my money, I felt uneasy cause I know I had Maya to complete but meeting these knew people and getting to know some of them was a blessing really, I was so caught up in my own problems, my infatuation that I wasn't able to move on or start anything, but after working as an F1 cleaner, my routine changed (yes even the timing I wanted to sleep at ) and I was more positive in approaching things, just abit. but hey, it helps, if not i'd be dwelling over unreplied or short texts.. like babe, is that really worth ur time and emotion??
I mean I don't want to make the same mistakes as I did with my "sort of first boyfriend" .. so yeah, it's a good reminder in a way.. I mean I can and want to concentrate on what I can do and what I am supposed to do to glorify God by doing things that would amaze people , Glorify God by my actions and works and words. I really hope I could do that..
God, please let me always enthusiastically searching for you and worshipping you and glorifying you, may you teach me, through people and experience to reflect you in my everyday life (:
I wanna confess that I have not been reading your words or even doing QT but I have no idea how to do it correctly, like I don't wanna treat your words as some fortune cookie.. I want to rely on you correctly, and if possible , hear from you personally.
Thank you for reminding me that you have always been in my life, and I am really glad and relieved and reassured to hear that (:
Where you go,
I'll go
Where you stay,
I'll stay
When you move,
I'll move
I will follow you!
Who you love,
I'll love
How you serve,
I'll serve
With this life I'll lose
I will follow you!
I will trust in you Alone.
hahaha i'm beginning to love this song
and wow the weather now is AMAZING it has started to rain!! Thank you God! (:
Because for the past few days, it has been really really hot, people anywhere would be drenched in sweat .. which doesn't feel good at all.
Okay last portion, Mark Grungor.. he is a really Good pastor, being able to preach in explain in such a comedic way (: also I found Jeff on a blog which led me to many other videos of his and which intern let me to love listening to spoken words... they are amazing magical and sensible. Like wow, they have power in their words, the ugly truth made acceptable, really really, anointed people.
all of them are so strong and so paced and into their walk with God, i'm just so amazed.
So far, I guess this is what ive got for you so far, i'll be back to do Maya then with more updates if possible ahaha.. I know I bought a new diary.. but have not started using it because I have yet to complete my previous diary..
LOL what the hell, my Dad is getting mad about the place I'm sitting again ...
ridiculous man.. i'm already sitting outside now he is using thunder and lightning and such to bring me in the kitchen.. guess I'd better move in the kitchen...
why oh why is he making everybody paranoid...
Really don't know how to talk to him man..
he keeps twisting his words so that he'll sound right
and gets fed up when others have their own ideas..
i'll leave this as it is for now and start on Maya..
Hope there will be progress today! (:
Thank you for reading and being ever so patient with my rants :) I love you God.
OH WAIT before that, I'm being invited to Master's birthday this year.. wow... I don't know how it will turn out, but i'll update about the whole Master thing another time (:
i played a melody at 10:02 AM
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