Thursday, September 26, 2013
And because I am an impatient person.. I went to Google and find ways to do Quiet Time properly.. and I realize it isn't all about bringing your problems to God and trusting in Him to deal with your problems for you.. it is a lot more on getting to know him. which is something I really need to do, I really really want to know him. so yeah. I think quiet time would be a really good time for me to get to know God on a personal level.. but at the same time.. I have to admit that I get sleepy easily when I read the bible.. like I'll literally feel like dozing off.. one of the reasons would be.. I can't see how the passage could be understood in a sense that it could relate to my current situation.. but that is a misconception as well, now I know that it's about getting to know God, I really hope the next time I turn to His Words, both of us would benefit Greatly from it.
And guess what, after doing Quiet Time we have to share it with someone right? so I guess that it'd be good if I could do QT with my sis in the morning and so both of us can share with one another what we learn from QT and what we hear from God.
then although many websites encourage it to be a daily thing, but I really doubt I have the stamina to do so.. so maybe.. I'll just build up on it.. But if I can , I would continue to do it :)
And YAY i'm happy that today's research for my new journey was fruitful :)
Thank you God! :D
Oh by the way, here are some websites that I referred to for help
i played a melody at 12:46 PM
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