Saturday, September 28, 2013
Gooda Morns!! :)) ahahah guess hwat?? just got a guitar from zee pek ytd and I tuned it in the morning.. haha finally figured out how to use the tuner :))) Cello yesterday was fun! although my fingers were hurting form all the pressing on strongs.. should I go for their concerts? 12 oct if im not wrong.. hahah see first.. maybe asking minxin (: hmm my fingers are still hurting now though! was practicing the ukulele... I really need get my music theory straight... if not cello is gonna be tough for me .. and guess what.. cus cello is played in bass clef.. its supposed to be easier.. siala!!! I still dk what is tough yet ahahha
sigh later got tuition.. later come home touch the guitar again (: practice practice practice! :D XD
I think im like that cus it's the start..
but this time.. I want to persevere..
I don't want to give up half way like all my past interest.. so shit
oh my maya also not done sia ahahahha
die die die
I guess what I also had on small crushes on guys were just passionate lust.. damn .. I should change cus the heart can be behaved and I will behave my heart and not stupidly "fall in love" because it is not love im falling into , it's lust im falling under
oh did I tell u? I think recently, im super into spoken words cus they're so cool esp those in PC4M like wow.. straight in your face the damn truths..
and so.. Tuesday is approaching fast again.. why o why
Meh, theres quite a few things on my mind that I wna discuss about but I wont because im playing this online blog thing safe.. don't wna cause any complications and miscommunications
haha you know what?
I almost though I could sign in my blog through my phone and just blog from my phone but apparently it force closes easily, damn.. what a disappointment hahhah
:) SEE U
i played a melody at 10:52 AM
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