Stop and Stare | I think i'm Movin but i Go no where..
Monday, July 29, 2013
so yes, im gonna spent this 7 mins left of IDTN lexxon to blog, I really cant think of any stories..
oh and remember how im so pumped up over not leaving my hw last minute and THOUGHT I was finally managing my life? well, I should've know better. REALLY. NO WAIT. ACTUALLY I DID KNOW BETTER. But I didn't not come up with ways to stop myself from doing it.. OR maybe I believed that I was really like that( a lazy easy procrastinate person) , that made me act like that even more easily than I could have. Nope, no stories out, draw hw not started , MAYA not touched at all ( wah, maya can just fuck my life I wanna ask fo help but the kind of help I need requires a lot of depending and time, ain't nobody got that time and patience fer meh) PDP there is that surrealism illustration.... GDP the fonts thing and the vase thing... ELAW just revision ... Gen ed.. mah script.. presentations coming ...
Oh let me intro a new friend to you that recently came into my life, and his name is Kevin! ahahah a real tall block, hmm but idk man.. my poor management of friends and prioritizing led to some friction bewtween me and Winnie? idk what's gonna happen nxt though.I choose not to think much about.. yeah, I am a jerk friend, no excuse.
wait that went off track . okay yeah apparently it was kevin week last week wlao see him almost everyday. funny or wad man? haha and I have his picture as my wall paper now.. I am foretelling more misunderstanding, but these are the ups and downs and lefts and rights of life aint it? AHAHHAA
Yeps im listening to the script loads of songs from Kev!
GUESS im missing lunch today.. no mood , and confused
I know my life is not as messed up as I think it is.. I just need to see the big picture.
OH guess what? otw to school just now, @ BV, I stood too near the train.. and when the train arrived, my skirt flew. HAHA SHET lah, I was laughing @ myself in my head too, what the hell, do I have no sense of shame or is it I have got too good a sense of humor HAHA what shet..
CAN I really place my trust and burden on God? Im really afraid that would seem so much of an excuse for not dealing my own problems and leaving it to be..
BUT then a gain I was told : To give your best and Let God do the rest..
hahah so evident that I have zero percent of faith..
so sry to disappoint..
but I dun wanna give that excuse cus ima newbie..
thena again that may be the real reason
Together we cry....
i played a melody at 12:13 PM
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