Wednesday, December 28, 2011
hey mans, nice time to write a blog huh?? it morning arnd 2 or 3n i cant bear to see mai blog go down the waste hole, so yep, im bak n um kickin? okay, watevs.. so many months have passed like wow?? nxt year, we'r gn be sec 4, having our darn o lvls and pulling our hair out till we go bald,
OH n btw, i dun care if some crazy dang human will be lookin at my blog or fuggin stalkin' me, im still gna write mai blog cus i love readin it :)
Today, 28 of December 2011 (haha almost end of year :P) , i, brenda lim synn, have finally gotten a photo shoot!! thanks to my mum, Jazy n Modanar :D damn does it feel good :) been waiting for this fer so long.. met 2 new cosplayers too^^ heehee. Schl / academic results this were fuggish but i had mai share of fun:D did part time with mai long time no see child hood friend :) haha and won $50 (grand price) froma n annual christmas party,
read my diary stalked n heart ached over that damn u hu suffocated my innonce n got quite over it :) wants to make new stuff and try new thingy out before i get real old n useless, i hope that i can overcome whatever that tries to stop me, dun really care what it takes :) i wna be more friendly,n care for people more( okay, yeah, i know, i can shut up with th bs)
yeps, so here's my best shot so far :)) will post more if recieve the otherS:D mai dad still doesnt kno about this and i hope he never knows :D
fuk, what the hell am i being so happy over about?
here's another <3 will recieve the rest at a later timing..
haha guess wat?? it rained damn badly today n i was soaked,
i went into a pond too haha disgusting seaweed...
say no more, i love these photos n c u some time later <3 toodles, babes
i played a melody at 3:23 AM
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