Sunday, April 17, 2011
Yeps Many ups and downs arent there?? HAiz... ups so far.... YESH COSPLAY COSTUE ON THE MOVE :D hpe it comes soon ^^ Naughty kiss is damn swwet :DD i want that main char :DDDDDDDD *swoon* THIS FRI GOT SAKURA EVENT OMG :DDDD lets hope i dun get kicked in the heart by some nonsense i dun wna get upset about *heart pplease hold on!!*
Downs... fuck you hu kips gettin on my nerves...u know damn well i dun wan u around so stop buggin me .. ty...
haiz.. nother down.. i think i like someone.. but forget it.. it always fails.. so wateveer.. i'll just bang my head enough to get it outta my head.. or just feign ignorance........... =.= damn it.. stupid hormones.. down.. my dads.. nehmind.. down... down.. down... ugh... just hope i'd get up tmr.. seriously....... MYE is coming and i dun GIVADAMN.
i wna make friends.. but haiz.. im just too shy D: tok next time... INUYASHA RULES :DDDD
quit it with ur damn complainin self piyin and whinnin will ya?? ur getting on my nerves butthead.
you say wat?? i'm just like my dad?? well congratulations!! You've got urself another ********************************!! (:
i played a melody at 9:07 PM
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