Sunday, February 13, 2011
So yeah my younger cousin came today :) same age and so pretty sumore:D from fajar sec LOL xD
anyways.. i flew kite with my uncle and sis yesterday:D REALLY AWESOME. It flew super duper HIGH.... Sang ' Only Girl' by Rihanna Super LOUD as i chased the freakin KITE.. haha xD CRAZEH but i dun giv a dmn .. cus no one knows mi there :D string of the kite broke 3 times.. first time it almost dropped into a drain but i ran with all my might to retrieve it :) 2nd time ,the string was held on the the ground by GRASSES those small blades of grass actually with hold the tension of the string!!! THIRD time, it flew AWAY.. We tried to catch it but were told by the fishermen by the drains that it was pulled away by a car on the road.... Hope no accident becus of Kite :P HMMMMMMM>>>>> OKAY I'll STOP HERE
i played a melody at 9:27 PM
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