Sunday, February 27, 2011
I <3 P!NK.
You took my hand
You showed me how
You promised me you'd be around
Uh huh
That's right
I took your words
And I believed
In everything
You said to me
Yeah huh
That's right
If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch their mouth
Cause they're all wrong
I know better
Cause you said forever
And ever
Who knew
Remember when we were such fools
And so convinced and just too cool
Oh no
No no
I wish I could touch you again
I wish I could still call you friend
I'd give anything
When someone said count your blessings now
For they're long gone
I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong
They knew better
Still you said forever
And ever
Who knew
Yeah yeah
I'll keep you locked in my head
Until we meet again
Until we
Until we meet again
And I won't forget you my friend
What happened
If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and
That last kiss
I'll cherish
Until we meet again
And time makes
It harder
I wish I could remember
But I keep
Your memory
You visit me in my sleep
My darling
Who knew
My darling
My darling
Who knew
My darling
I miss you
My darling
Who knew
Who knew
damn this song rock :') hmm.. i dk.. it's always before i wna use the com..i have an idea on what to write to update my blog.. those inner thots u always have yea??? but everytime i get the chance to upadate... i didnt know,or most probably have forgotten what i wanna tok abt.. hmm.. sadded.. anyway, watch MIAN BAO WANG OMG... THE MAIN ACTOR IS DAMN CUTE :))) AND PRINCESS PROSECUTOR :)) HEEHEE^^ *feels the happy feelin you get when you see gd lookin actors :P* Haiz... nxt week got GB FLAGDAY... THEN AFTER THAT GOT DRILL FROM 1 to 4 (argh!!) then clash with my dear comifest T.T omg !! CANT WAIT~!!! MIGHT BE GOING ON SUNDAY :DDDDDDD KYA~!!! I LOVE COSPLAYERS~!~~!!!
HMM>>>>>>> MAYBE I SHUD STOP BLAMING MY PARENTS FER ALL MY UNFREEDOMNESS... aint their fault so stop makin me feel this way peepol:)
i played a melody at 5:31 PM
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