Thursday, January 20, 2011
haha i used to think that taylor swift's songs sound almost the same but hey this song and nothing but revenge is awesome?? Kay Kay so my previous post aint so much of what i am supposed to write so today i write a new one?? Kay kay so with my object tt ima passionate about... here goes... ..
I am Brenda Lim Synn from 3e1 (duh). Passionate about animes and manga and Otaku stuffs. But am not able to really be hardcore paaionate about them because of parents' restriction and lack of Money to support my favourite manga or animes. Even so, I've always wanted to own something from Otaku house. Therefore, before going to AFA (Anime Festival Asia) on the 14th of November, last year, I made a trip to Plaza Sing's Otaku House and bought myself a Grey Ninufa look-a-like beanie :D Wore it to, throughout and back from AFA and have treasured it ever since. Although my Dad is very against Cosplayers( he thinks they are crazy), I would really really really want to cosplay someday( and i hope it is soon).
It's such a short passage T.T but never mind gonna post reflection number on FB! :)
i played a melody at 6:12 PM
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