Sunday, January 16, 2011
ima tellin the truth... ive been starin @ this laptop screen for a freakin long time now and its half closed cus my vision is kinda blurry!!!! :(( doin art nao.. Researchin on M.C. ESCHER!!! he do so many optical illusion kind of work.. i look until 眼花 le. =.= aiyo.... i tink SOVA i die man.... ..and i couldnt even tink of the art reflection..WHO AM I??? I OSO DUNNOWWWWWWW!!! maybe i could write a brief reflection here?? okay here goes the SECOND ART REFLECTION!!!!!!! >:DD ( to bad there arent any helpin qns nao T.T)
Art Reflection 2~~!!
Who am I??
I'm an ANIME LOVER, MANGA LOVER, JAPAN LOVER and wishes to cosplay and go to Japan someday :D loves music :D aspiring to be an online comic writer/drawer/creator(if tt's possible).. and want to travel the world and go on an adventure!!!! xD someone who is currently always doing stuffs half way (i dun like tt but it keeps happening to me! D:) i'm also an elder sister... who isnt really mature -.- im 2 faced but not the bad kind of 2 face i guess.. cus to ppl ima not really close to.. im totally quiet... but to those im close with... i would annoy the hell outta you.. uggh.. i hardly tok abt myself... have low self esteem...(sob) . i am oso someone who isnt really physically strong.. ZILCH sense of humor..(n really do appreciates those hu at least laff at mi with mi.) weird but not eccentric...a really lazy person.. Used to play the cello.. but quitted cus i was DUMB. there's nothing much to tok abt mi cus ... i dun really have a life, Serious... so many limitations from my parents.. so cant do much..I am oso some one hu thinks alot... alot alot.. but forgets easily.... quite self im realli realli quiet)..I am quite postive... but negative vibes always get the better of me....I am really Crazy towards things that ima passionate about...I also kinda like optical illusions... flipped thru bks at the library on those when i was young.. so im happy to get to know M.C. Escher!! interested in ESP cus i tink its cool!! I am someone ppl might describe as LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING. might look organise when ima not.. can look discipline.. when im nt the least... look like i come from an average income family when im actually needin FAS.. mani mani other stuffs... I am...not able to tink of any more stuffs tt i am -.-
of course ima nt givin this to tr.. tho i suspect he knows of mu blog O.O (oh no!)
haiz.. i cried so much yesterday nite now my eye wan die liddat =.=
anyways i'll write agian next time ... :D tata!!
i played a melody at 7:10 PM
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