Wednesday, April 14, 2010
lol.. okay.. i saw Bobby last last or last friday, okay, so maybe he saw me first.. so yeah. happy cus long time no see ler.. pri schl fren mah, then, on Monday, i saw Wilson in the evening, on my way to tuition.. he cut hair LER!! looks neat at east can see his eyes now, last time, his bang cover his eyes, almost looked emo.. LOL.. then yesterday, on my way home, i saw Adrian. Lol, He still Looks the same though..and then today, while homing with Ade, we saw Benjamin.. Primary schl fren i mean.. not sec schl de. Cool seh.. But too bad all guys.. :( but nt that i mind or anything..Lol.. and when i reached home today, my mum added a shelf thatshe got from a neighbour. COOL.. now got mur space to put my stuffs lah.. :) then I'm like currently practicing my "lip"and "mind" reading so that Adeline could talk to others through meh... HAHA.. and during Sci SSP ade actually wanted to tell me smth that she felt suddenly durin lesson.. It was De Javu.. Lol.. and i actually guessed that without her tellin me.. She said that both the de javu and the fact i could kinda mind read her is creepy... LOL.. Yeah. Creepy AND Cool!! haha so long for now!! my dumb lil' bro is whining .. BYES!!
p.s My super de duper cool cousin made youtubes vids of him playin 3 songs that are really nice.. but his fingerings are weird though.. but it's nice.. and he also got into a fght with his friends recently, not that he fought back though.. his Childish fren beat him up just because he didn't allow his fren to go to his house.. His fren is practically crazy i tell you, not that i know his fren, i'm just inferring that from this situation haha.. KAYS BYE!:)
i played a melody at 4:48 PM
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