Sunday, March 21, 2010
okay.. i gta sleep straight after this .. last day of holidays .. freakin irritatin. not nice.. i didnt even enjoyed me holidays lar... haiz. HOMEWORK AND ALL.. currently listening to K-ON!de ending song.. Full version.. FREAKIN COOL I TELL U. kay.. monday and tues.. me friends went out. but i couldn't go.. cos me dad said that i couldn't go out unless i finish my homework all of them.. so i only got to go out on fri and sat.. BUT PATHETICALLY,both are for projects.. haiz.. but quite fun lah.okay.oh and today got that BBGB juniors enrollment thing we had to stay in the church like from seven am to one plus.. SIAN. but okay durin service, they kept talikin abt what.. idk finding the right one and everything and God has everything planned out and stuffs like that.. after lunch, there's this games thingy and me and Clare were freakin seperated.. haiz. nvm. played double wacko and stuff.. oh! and lemme tell you. wah. there's this church guy and he looks quite shuai and cute lar.. know how to play the piano and drums some more.. damn cool lar. :D he's name's Nicholas or smth. same group soome more.. that so totally made my day hahar.kay la get over it man.then.. oh and there's this BB guy who had uh.. 3 names?? no, 4 , plus chinese name mah. so cool lar. i only rmbred the initials:JNS. i forgot the name lol.. too long. :D oh and Ivan same group too! haha! then GB de uniform damn stress lah.. hair keep fallin out of place.. but nt that i they all keep saying wat nt neat and everything.. but what ever.. lol. Joey was like,"come, gimme your hand" then she put my hand near where the collar is and where most of my baby hair are fallin out, then she said " okay, kiap and pull" i did as she told and then realise it was my hair fallin out of place.. Clare made fun if me by tellin it to do it again and again haha. so bad!!then after the tiring GB thing.. i went to amk to meet my pri schl fwen.. we have not met for quite a long time lar.. though she did go to Adeline's house with me on friday to do proj.. haha!!okay..then i was like very tired but stayed in the library for 2 and a half hrs any way. lol. LEMME TELL YOU: I DID NOT REVISE AT ALL DURIN THE HOLIDAYS>> AND I"M GNA BE SO DEAD>>> lol wateva now. sian. okay then anout the sungei buloh proj we did on sat. we all met up at the bishan lib(Marcus, Julian,Adeline,Jasmine and me) lol.. i tried to help with the stuffs i can cause i do nt really understand this whole sungei buloh thing and yeah.Adeline asked me once if i was sick of doin the proj right after i came back from peein and returning of books.. i was like huh? then she said because i walked about like uninterested like tt.. lol.. no la. i guessing she didn't hear me when i said that i went to pee or smth.. lol kay la not gna continue lers.
i played a melody at 9:06 PM
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