Monday, March 8, 2010
short updatey since have not post for sometime. kay.. weekends.. sat, i went to mum's friend's house waah.. got two DOGS summore.. larger one called Bibble and smaller noisier ans cuter one called Rain. XD kays.. no offence cos that place though nice and big.. but quite smokey.. cos they buddhist mah oh and during GB saw wots of friends cus most of them have council camp stuffs. haha. then sunday.. chiong sci map.. though its not really a map.. more like .. idk.. listing?? kay then today.. music lesson.. AIRCON!!! haha.. yeah.. watever.. BUT the weather IS FREAKINNN HOTTT-TE-TE.. i tell you.. lol.. was loner when homing.. cuz Ade got cca, then Clare, Gracia and Cherie got buy Lambo Horns as Bryan's bdae prezzie.. it was then i realised that i was too used to sumone 陪我回家 that i felt.. LONELY~!!! no... okays GTGs Ler.. Mum and Sis 吹-ING meh.. wah seh.. one lady say she thot me and me sis look like friends!! in other words, i look sec one likey OR.. my sis LOOKS FREAKIN MATURE.. not that i m though.. haha.. KAy
i played a melody at 3:18 PM
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