Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lol.. today, 2 kids cam to me house...
one was like .. 2 or 3 years old and the other one was just 1 year older.. or 2??
the older one was a young boy, named Nono, the younger one is called Enen, a girl.
My mum is currently taking care of Enen to earn dosh, well, part time , that is..
and it's not everyday.. haha.
then like, i was trying hard to concentrate on copyin the chinese newspaper article but Nono kept.. uh.. disturbin me?? Lol..
he was like.. walkin in and out of the room sayin," ii wahn morh owange, wahn morh owange."
Translation : i want more oranges, want more oranges. wadever..
then he kept taking one orange and placed it on my table and sayin 'ii wahn morh owange' he did this abt 7 times..
then i thot ," the kid's so simple minded.. haven't he thot about takin two at a time or smth?"
well, when he came in again, he was holdin 3 oranges in his arm.
i was like.. "oh".
i continued copyin and realised the oranges gave out an orangey smell,nice.
out of boredom, i kinda rearranged the oranges and then realised one of the oranges was actually leakin..
and the juice stained the newspaper,but it was just a small patch on the paper so i didn't really care.
my dad was going to visit his friends for some CNY stuff and saw the pile of oranges on my table, came in and examined the oranges..
"there's juice leakin out of some of oranges" he spoke to me in chinese.
"yeah." i replied.
"some of the oranges are spoiled" he said.
"so, when the juice leaks out of the orange means that it's spoiled?"i asked
" yeah."
then he took all the oranges off me table coz he saw that the oranges took som space of the table( mind you, there's TEN oranges on the table, and the table was quite small too.) and he also needed some oranges for his Bai Fang thingy and of course he chose the good ones,. you don't give spoiled oranges to your friends, do you??
"thank you baba"
" mm" and he left.
so cheeky little Nono gave me spoiled oranges. :( haha
oh and Nono's mum gave me and me sibs ang paos.. but had to give it to our ma.
i'm not done with the chinese newspaper and DnT and revision yet..
doubt there'd be enough time for me to complete them all.
Mum was freakin screamin at me sis and freakin caning me bro.. me bro frekin screamed too.
They freakin deserved it, i tell you...
not that i like it though.them bein sreamed at and caned.
but they were rude and all.
i'm not settin a good example for me sibs huh??
ima no good meself
Gotta go now BUAIIS.
i played a melody at 3:20 PM
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