Stop and Stare | I think i'm Movin but i Go no where..
Sunday, February 26, 2012
hey. today's a sunday 26 of feb 2012.. (just taking note) and yep... sec 4 life isnt as bad as i expected but it aint really super awesome hahaha..
i guess the most interesting that happened so far was the trip to Fort Canning with PuiChiu Jerald John n Alan(Allen/Ellen??) haha! never went there before event tho ive past it so many times during art trips to musuems and stuffs. Haha sadded that i dont have a camera :S there was a entrance behind a huge door that led to the the top of a shelter looking like thing~~ :DD so cooling up there :D LOL Ed Sheeran iz AWWSHUM :DD anyways, yeah .. and i didnt attend cosfest T-T haha Jerald and PuiChiu were super animated when filming laughed like hell ....
Anyways.. was supposed to go to Xin Yi's house today but Dad dun late.. then im wasting my time on the computer cause ive nth better to do.. and i dun feel like doing homework......
Guess what?? im heart broken again... but it's nth much so i'll get over it soon...
..... I hope.
Don't wanna Fall for you,
Cus i dont wna feel this hurt again now
Don't wanna Fall for you
Cuz you tear me apart
But there's nth i can do
Cuz your words, your eyes
And the smell of your sweet scent
Accelerates my Heartbeat..
Oh, i didnt know,
You were with someone else
and i was all smiles till now,
till you walked to her side my world crumbled down
So why do you have to be so nice to me?
If you loved someone else,
you could have just ignored me, cus
i'm better of without,
this pain you brought about,
To me.
Hey God-that-really-exist-and-created-all-these-awesome-miracles, please give me strength to get through all these shit that i'm going through... i know that shit might be a very crude word to use.. but i hope you'd understand... have a great day too, God.
i played a melody at 5:52 PM